Dear friends,
The idea of creating a chamber music festival in Landshut came to me with Peter Haarpaintner, President of the "Freunde der Musik e.V. Landshut" in 2022, and our first festival took place at the end of August 2023. It is a great honor and responsibility for me to be the artistic director of our festival. Landshut is an old and very beautiful city in lower Bavaria, I immediately fell in love with it when I first found myself here. There is indeed a very rich musical tradition here, "Freunde der Musik" have been organizing classical concerts for over 70 years and each concert season is of great interest.
The audience of "Freunde der Musik" is a great listener and a big supporter for us, the musicians. The festival is structured in such a way that we do not have permanent ensembles, so the musicians play with each other in a variety of groups. As a result, all this turns out to be one big musical friendship, uniting musicians, local audiences and listeners who specially come to our festival.
I would also like to say about the wonderful hall in which our second festival is taking place. The Rathausprunksaal is a stunning venue dating back to the 19th century. A hall with amazing acoustics and beauty, the walls are painted with the plot of “Landshuter Hochzeit” (the Landshut Wedding), a significant event for Bavaria in the 15th century.
With all my heart I invite all music lovers to our second chamber music festival, which will take place from August 31 to September 1.
See you in Landshut!